Biografia de bill gates
Biografia de bill gates

In Seattle, Gates is paying for the reporting of “positive outcomes.” In August 2014, I wrote about the Gates-funded, Seattle Times blog, Education Lab.Įducation Lab is trying to offer predominately light, benign stories arguably designed to divert public attention from the increasingly-evident documentation regarding the failure of education privatization. Not all were grant recipients, or partners. Those attending included representatives from the New York Times, NPR, the Guardian, NBC, Seattle Times and a number of other news organizations, non-profit groups and foundations. I asked if I could come and report on it, but was told the meeting was off the record. The Gates Foundation funds a lot of media – more than $25 million in media grants for 2012 (but still less than 1% of the budget). I (Paulson) wasn’t actually allowed behind the scenes at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s recent meeting in Seattle entitled “ Strategic Media Partnerships.” In February 2013, journalist Tom Paulson wrote a piece on Gates’ private meetings with the media he funds. Gates Briefs a Media He Pays For (And Then Some) What did surprise me is the discovery that he meets with the media he funds (and others) regularly behind closed doors. To follow is a post I published in 2015 by Mercedes Schneider titled: BILL GATES FUNDS THE MEDIA, INCLUDING THE SEATTLE TIMES’ EDUCATION LAB, THEN SECRETLY MEETS WITH THEMīillionaire Bill Gates funds the media then secretly meets with them to do what? The Seattle Times recently published another puff piece on Bill Gates and I decided it was time to remind folks that Bill Gates pays a lot of money to the Seattle Times for their cloying admiration. The time Bill Gates was spending on his visions cost precious time and public money with students not able to go back and receive the education they should have experienced. Unfortunately his experiments on our children, including merit pay, teachers, schools and principals judged on student test scores and charter schools, have been failures and have only ruined the opportunities of many students to a better education. And as most know, he dropped out of college.īut he has money and therefore influence. His children have never attended a public school and Bill Gates himself was enrolled in expensive private schools through high school. It’s become clear to folks outside the circle of educators and public education advocates that all of Bill Gates ideas on how other children should be educated have failed and for many reasons.īill Gates is not an educator, never taught one day in his life in a public school, never took classes in education or child development but because he has money, he thinks he has the answers to all that ails society. Do you sometimes wonder why the Seattle Times does so many puff pieces on Bill Gates and his failed education initiatives?

Biografia de bill gates